Monthly Safety Report

Steve Eikenberry

Safety has had a busy winter. We’ve created a safe use document for table saws…more on that below, and we are completing the first aid station project of restocking and reorganizing making it easier to find what you need in a hurry. And, although we hope we never need it, Dan Bernier and his wife organized a blood containment kit in response to the two partial amputations members experienced this past year.

Most members are aware two major accidents occurred within the last nine months, both on the table saws, with one at Brownwood and one at Rolling Acres. Both accidents resulted in partial amputations of fingers, and both members involved were experienced woodworkers. This all goes to tell us we cannot be careful enough around machinery that can maim and/or kill us.

Your Safety Department, along with other key shop leaders, developed a detailed Table Saw Standard Operating Procedure document that we rolled out very recently. That document details the SAFEST way to use our table saws. Over the next months and year, you’ll be encouraged to adopt and use these safest methods as the preferred way in our shops. You may be asked to change how you are using a table saw in favor of a safer method. Please comply with that request, knowing you are being asked because we care about the safety of everyone in the shop. One thing we sometimes don’t realize is our actions can affect others in a big way. If we have a table saw accident, for example, lumber may go flying across the room, missing us but injuring an innocent member. We are all responsible for each others and our own safety!

As we go forward, you’ll be hearing more and more about the safest ways to use our table saws. Small group classes will be held for those who wish a more visual explanation of the safest table saw methods. The document will be available at the front desk of each shop so you can have your personal copy (as well as on our website). Soon we’ll have a video of the safest table saw methods, mirroring the document information, on our website. And of course, you can always ask a Yellow Badge Maintenance member for help understanding the correct table saw methods…or the correct use of any of our machines and tools.

Steve Eikenberry
Safety Department Manager