CNC Router You Tube Videos

V-Carve and CNC Router Videos on the Internet

You Tube has a vast collection of videos pertaining to the use of the V-Carve software and CDC Routers in general.  Here is a link to a comprehensive list of videos available: .  This listing is by no means complete, but will give you a start in exploring the possibilities available to you.


To watch the video in full screen, you can click on the "Watch on You Tube" text on the video.  You wil then be able to view the video in full screen mode.

How to import a drawing into VCarve Pro

Following the video describing the building of my workshop stool I have been asked to explain the process of taking a drawing and sending it to the CNC in order to create the design on the seat. I use Vectric's brilliant VCarve Pro and the process is really quite simple.

Vectric Dove Tail Gadget Tutorial

A look at the Vectric Dove Tail Gadget. How it works and what it looks like during machining.

V-Carve Inlays - Detailed How To

Let's get up close and personal with inlay settings in V-Carve. Its an easy process if you know what all the settings control. My personal notes are below: Tools (affiliate links to amazon) 60 DEGREE V-BIT - 1/4" SPIRAL COMPRESSION BIT - 1/8" SPIRAL DOWNCUT BIT - 3/4" RESAW BLADE FOR BANDSAW - For the Inlay (Plug)... 1. Mirror the vectors in your graphic so you have a mirror image. Set your "Start Depth" to .1. This ensures you have .1" of material that sits down into the pocket. 2. Set the "Flat Depth" to .1". The .1" here adds to the .1" of start depth, so the emboss will be .2" deep. Since .1" will go INTO the pocket. This will leave a .1" gap between the pieces for the band saw to pass through after the glue up. On the CNC router... Carve the inlay (plug) normally starting with the V-bit (60 degree preferably) Pocket... 1. The v-carve is business as usual except, set the flat depth to .2 inches and use an 1/8 end mill for the flats. (this makes sure the v-bit only goes .2" into the work as that is the maximum cutting height for a 60 degree, 1/4" bit. On the CNC router... Zero the machine at the Origin. If you want some sanding allowance, Add .01" to the Z height. (This will cheat the pocket to be .21" deep. This will allow the inlay to go in slightly deeper so you'll have .01" to be able to sand the surface to the right depth for the graphic's detail.) Follow me on social media Facebook - Twitter - Instagram -

STEPCRAFT TRAINING: Bitmap Image Tracing with V Carve and Cut 2D For CNC Designs

This video will show you how to use the image tracing feature in Vectric Cut 2D and V Carve. This feature will allow you to convert just about any bitmap image into a vector that you can assign tool paths to and cut out on your STEPCRAFT CNC System For more information, Please visit

Vcarve Pro Lake Contour Map Tutorial

Vcarve Pro Lake Contour Map Tutorial is our topic today. Just what is a contour map ? What purpose do contour maps serve ? Why engrave them ? A contour maps serves many purposes. FREE CONTOUR MAP COMPASS DOWNLOADS Thank You for your Support ~Steve WEBSITE: BLOG: SHOP EMAIL

Vcarve Inlays on the CNC Router

How two old woodworkers create Vcarve inlays on the home built Joe's CNC Router using Vectric VCarve Pro or Aspire, with Bill Chapman and Dave Van Antwerp.

*Rolling Acres Shop* CLOSED for cleaning ---1/17 Noon Thru 1/19