Monthly Update

Conway Williams, Manager

Our Team of Elves and Painters continue to work hard to satisfy all our client needs for 2024.

On the production side we were able to make 4,769 toys through the end of June 2024.  

On the shipping side we were able to make shipments totaling 3,660 toys with a donation value of $25,834, through the end of June 2024.

 Since 2013, when we first established a donation value for each toy, we have now shipped toys with a donation value of $721,102.00 at the end of June 2024!

I am happy to report we have successfully completed our commitment to The Children’s Home Society of Florida. Healthy Families Programs for their 2023-2024 Fiscal Year. Further, we have agreed to provide a minimum of $13,170 of quality wooden toys in support of their 2024-2025 Fiscal Year. Their July shipment is already complete and ready for their pickup.  We have also reinstituted monthly shipments of 400 mini cars, vans and trucks to Operation Shoe Box. Their July order was delivered on July 8th.
We have seen positive changes in our equipment maintenance.  We are also seeing a significant improvement in the air flow in the vacuum system, this is allowing us to get direct vacuum connections for our band saw and drill press.  Our thanks to the Maintenance Department for their ongoing support in all the activities.

Our Toys on the Square Project is well underway for the 2024 Season. Our last session was at Brownwood Paddock Square on Thursday May 9th.  

After that we will take off for the summer months of June, July, August then returning to Brownwood in September.

We need some additional help in September and October to back fill vacancies from health issues and not having some of our seasonal residents who will not be back in time to help.

Please come out and support the Toy Project when we are at these Market Nights.

Our recent attempts to get more members involved in the management and operation of the Toy Team are starting to bear some fruit.

However, we are still looking for additional member involvement to ensure the future success of this important Program.

Specifically, we need additional support in the transportation and booth maning of Toys on the Square.    

We are looking for someone with Production Planning experience and Excel experience who is willing to learn, and then take over the day-to-day planning process. That same person or someone else would then also learn the planning and shipping of client orders.

If you are interested in participating, please contact  
Conway Willams at and or John Scott at