The Villages Woodworkers’ Club

Board of Directors Meeting

July 26, 2018


Call to Order

A board of directors meeting of The Village Woodshop was held on July 26, 2018 at 704 Oak Street, The Villages Florida.  It was called to order at 7:00 PM and was presided over by John Herega - Chairman, Byron Porter - Secretary. A quorum was met and established.


Voting members in attendance included:

John Herega, Alvin Coreblum, Sandra Moraco, Conway Williams, Bob Bell, Mike Cromwell, Harm Borfitz, Glenn Croteau


Members not in attendance included:

John Scott


Guests in attendance included:

 Mike Borfitz, Ann Bell, Dave Adamovich, Doug Parks


Approval of Previous Minutes
A motion to approve the minutes of the previous June 28, 2018 meeting was made by, Harm Borfitz and seconded by, Glenn Croteau. The minutes were unanimously approved by all with any additions and/or corrections.


Old Business

·          Mike is looking for someone to run The Members Christmas Raffle and The Special Olympics Christmas Tree.

·          The present drum sander is expensive to run and maintain. It needs to be replaced with a belt sander which would be more cost effective. Cost for replacement is about $6,100.

·         The new bylaws will go to the membership on September 15 for their approval at the October 2018 general membership meeting. The output will show both the old and the new bylaws, so the membership can clearly see the changes.

·         A long discussion about the Epilog 60 as versus the Rockwell Full Spectrum System. Cost versus Reliability of Product was the main discussion.

·         A tabled motion from the previous meeting was reopened. Conway Williams presented to the VWC the opportunity to purchase an Epilog 60-watt Legend Mini 24 CO2 Laser System for the VWC. A member has offered to sell us his machine with all the upgrades and attachments for $15,000. A design software program (Corell Draw) is required to run this machine. With this software and machine, the shop would have the ability to both engrave and cut intricate patterns in the same setup. With this purchase, the owner has offered to train members of VWC in its use. The toy department has been able to use this machine for several years and can testify to its ability to greatly increased toy production. A motion to purchase an Epilog 60-watt Legend Mini 24 CO2 Laser System was made by Glenn Croteau and seconded by Sandy Moraco. The motion was amended to include Corel Draw and Accessories not to exceed $1,000. Conway distributed to the BOD a copy of the proposal for purchase on 6/28/18. The motion was carried with one dissension by Bob Bell.


Officers’ Reports


Chairman Report was presented by John Herega.

·         John talked about the number of people using the shop. More people are using the shop this summer then last summer. John finds these numbers useful and will keep generating the numbers.


President Report was presented by Mike Borfitz

·         The Expansion Committee continues to work hard on the Second Shop.

·         No General Membership Meeting in August.

·         Max Bohnstedt offered to fill the club Historian slot.

·         Florida School of Woodwork in Tampa has invited us to attend their classes. Classes are not expensive and are taught by leaders in the field.


Vice President Report was presented by Jim Spallone

·         No Report


Treasure Report Presented by Doug Parks

·         See The Village Woodshop Club’s Server for the budget details.

·         Harm Borfitz presented a motion to except the budget as presented; it was seconded by Conway Williams and unanimously approved by all.


Office Administration Presented by Anne Bell

·         The subject of dues for next year was opened for discussion.

·         Glenn Croteau presented a motion to leave the dues and initiation fees the same as it was for 2018. It was seconded by Harm Borfitz and unanimously approved by all

·         Monitor Duty Waiver Changes were presented. At present a total of 254 members are exempt. No action will be taken on wavers at this time.


Shop Administrator Presented by Glenn Croteau and Dave Adamovich

·         Alvin Coreblum pointed out he witnessed members putting painted wood threw the planers. Maintenance needs to put signs up again to stop this practice.

·         The check list has been changed for the Monitors. This will give us a better control of the shop.

·         Blue Badges have been issued to people who have permission to fix machines.

·         Cost for storage pod: 1) Largest pod is $175 per month 2) a $66 delivery charge 3) a $50 charge to move it to the new location 4) a $66 return delivery charge.


Safety Committee Presented by John Herega for Harm Borfitz

·         No Report


Toys Presented by Conway Williams

·         Toys continue to make progress. No external community activity in June.

·         Toys will be back at Lake Sumter Landing Town Square on Thursday September 13th from 5-8:30


Other Reports


New Business


Main Motions




Motion to adjourn meeting was made Bob Bell and seconded by Sandy Moracco.


(Signature & Date)